Beautyeurope Aesthetic School Platform
Terms and Conditions

General provisions

  1. Beautyeurope UK CO Ltd., with its registered office in Suite 3 Newton House Northampton Science Park Kings Park Road Northampton NN3 6LG, Company No.: 14458099, VAT ID: 428390973, hereinafter referred to as the “Service Provider,” establishes these regulations for the provision of electronic services (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”).
  2. The Regulations are available free of charge on the website The terms used in the Regulations shall be understood as follows:
    Service – a system of web pages available on the internet server at, constituting a collection of static and dynamic documents containing graphic files, webinar recordings, instructions, and other elements of the set connected by mutual relationships, intended, among other things, to provide educational-marketing content and to provide Services;

Account – an individual and authorized User account;
Registration – the process of creating an account on the Platform;

Services – services provided electronically through the Service, consisting of enabling Users to access educational-marketing content related to the Service Provider’s products, including, in particular: electronic leaflets, product descriptions, webinar recordings, articles etc.;
User – a natural person who is authorized to practice the medical profession and who has successfully registered in accordance with the rules set out in point II of the Regulations.
User Name – a pseudonym determined by the User for logging into the Account; Password – an individual access password provided for logging into the Account (The Service Provider shall not be liable for the consequences of the User’s disclosure of the password to third parties);
Platform – an educational platform, operated on the website;
Personal Data – shall mean basic User data, including but not limited to first name, last name, email, and other data necessary for registration on the Platform, which allows for the direct or indirect determination of the User’s identity;
Cookies – computer data, in particular text files, which are stored on the User’s Device and are intended for use with the website that allows access to the materials offered on the Platform.

User Registration

In order to request registration on the Service, the User is obligated to:

  1. Fill out the registration form, which requires providing:

– Email address
– First name
– Last name
– Country/city
– Name of clinic

  • Familiarize themselves with, confirm understanding, and accept these Regulations;
  • Familiarize themselves with and confirm understanding of the Service’s privacy policy.

Using the Services

  1. The Services provided are not intended to provide healthcare services but rather to expand the knowledge of Users in topics related to or associated with the Service Provider’s products.
  2. The User acquires Educational Materials solely for their own use. Any use, including dissemination, copying, modification, and provision to third parties, individually or publicly, for a fee or free of charge, entitles Beautyeurope CO UK Ltd. to block the User’s access to the Platform and to seek damages in accordance with general principles provided by the law.
  3. The Service Provider does not guarantee continuous operation and availability of the Platform functionalities. In specific cases that affect the security or stability of the Platform, the Service Provider has the right to temporarily cease or limit the provision of electronic services without prior notification to the Users. In particular, the Service Provider is entitled to carry out maintenance work aimed at restoring the security and stability of the teleinformation system. The User is not entitled to any claims in connection with the interruption or cessation of electronic services provided by the Service Provider.
  4. The Service Provider reserves the right to close the Service at any time.
  5. The use of the Services requires the User to meet the following technical requirements: having a computer or mobile device with one of the following web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and access to the Internet. For proper use of the Platform, the User should ensure that they have the latest version of the software they possess. The Service Provider recommends an internet connection of 1Mbps or better (broadband recommended), a headset/speaker set, and an up-to-date web browser.
  6. The Service Provider enables the User to access technical support for the Service. Technical support involves providing advice and explanations on the functioning of the Service. Technical support is available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. via email at

Personal Data Protection

Beauty Relations s.c., Iwona Czapran-Muczke, Anna Sobczyńska, with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. Warzelnicza 25, 02-355 Warsaw, Tax Identification Number (NIP): 5242785711, is the Administrator of Users’ Personal Data.

Users’ Personal Data is processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000).

Detailed rules regarding the processing of Users’ Personal Data are described in the Privacy Policy.

Suspension, Restriction, and Termination of Service Use

  1. The User may terminate the use of the Services at any time, without any additional fees and without the need to provide a reason. To do so, the User should contact the Service Provider at with the subject line “Resignation from the Service.”
  2. In the event of a User’s violation of the Regulations or applicable laws, or if the Service Provider has reasonable suspicions that it is necessary to protect the safety of the Service Provider, Users, or third parties, or for the purposes of ongoing proceedings, the Service Provider reserves the right to: Limit access and the ability to use the Service; Temporarily or permanently suspend the User’s account.


Users have the right to submit inquiries, comments, and complaints regarding the provision of the Services. Inquiries, comments, and complaints should be addressed to the email address (with “complaint” in the email subject line). Inquiries, comments, and complaints will be processed as quickly as possible, but no later than within 30 business days from the date of submission, in electronic form. The content of the complaint should include at least:

•          User’s identification data: name, email address, phone number;

•          Specification of the subject of the complaint and the circumstances forming the basis of the complaint, including the date of their occurrence;

•          Specification of the User’s expectations.

The User of the Portal has the right to file a complaint regarding the Services provided by the Administrator.

Personal data

  1. The Administrator of the User’s personal data is Beautyeurope UK CO Ltd., with its registered office in Suite 3 Newton House Northampton Science Park Kings Park Road Northampton NN3 6LG, Company No.: 14458099, VAT ID: 428390973.
  2. The purpose of processing the User’s personal data is to process the request for registration on the Website and provide access to the Website, as well as to administer the Site. User data is also used for the provision of electronic services through the Website.
  3. Users’ Personal Data is processed in accordance with the provisions of GDPR Regulation.
  4. Detailed rules regarding the processing of Users’ Personal Data are described in the Privacy Policy.

Data Retention

We retain personal data in a form that allows the identification of the data subject for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed. After this period, we anonymize the data (remove identifying characteristics) or delete it. The deletion of personal data is complete and permanent. In our retention procedure, we ensure that the storage period of personal data is kept to an absolute minimum.


All materials (content, texts, illustrations, photos, etc.) presented on platform are subject to copyright. Copying, processing, or distributing these materials, in whole or in part, without the author’s permission is prohibited.

Final Provisions

The Service Provider will promptly inform the user of any changes to the Terms and Conditions via email to the email address provided by the user in the Service. The Terms and Conditions may be amended, among other cases, in the event of: changes to applicable laws affecting the content of the Terms and Conditions; changes related to the scope of services provided; changes related to the type of services provided; changes related to technical requirements; changes related to the expansion of the functionality of the Service.