Beautyeurope Aesthetic School Platform
Privacy Policy

General provisions

  1. The following Privacy Policy governs the use of cookies and the collection, storage, and use of personal data of users of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”). The administrator of this data is Beautyeurope UK CO Ltd., with its registered office in Suite 3 Newton House Northampton Science Park Kings Park Road Northampton NN3 6LG, Company No.: 14458099, VAT ID: 428390973 (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator”). Personal data is collected and processed in accordance with the provisions of this Policy.
  2. At Beautyeurope we attach great importance to protecting the privacy of our customers, contractors, and employees. One of its key aspects is the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals in relation to the processing of their personal data.
  3. Providing Personal Data is voluntary but necessary to use the services offered by the Administrator or participate in events organized by the Administrator. In the event of failure to provide personal data, the User may not receive the services resulting from the electronically provided service or may receive them to a limited extent.

How we use your personal data

  1. The collected personal data is used to register users on the website, provide access to the website, and administer the website. User data is also used to provide electronic services through the website. The services involve providing users with access to educational and marketing content related to the products of the service provider, including electronic leaflets, product descriptions, webinar recordings, articles etc.
  2. We disclose your data to third parties with your consent or when we are required to do so by law.

The principles and legal basis for processing your data

We take care to protect the interests of individuals whose data is processed, in particular by ensuring that this data is:

  • Processed lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner to the data subject;
  • Collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes;
  • Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed;
  • Accurate and, if necessary, kept up to date; we take action to promptly delete or correct personal data that is inaccurate in light of the purposes of its processing;
  • Retained in a form that permits identification of the data subject for no longer than is necessary for the purposes;
  • Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, or damage.
  • We usually process your data based on consent, which can be withdrawn at any time.
  • After the termination of the User’s relationship with the Administrator, the Administrator will not process the User’s Personal Data, except for the following data:

– Data necessary for advertising purposes (legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator), market research, and the analysis of User behavior and preferences, with the aim of improving the quality of services provided by the Administrator;
– Data necessary to clarify the circumstances of unauthorized use of the website;
– Data allowed to be processed based on separate laws or agreements;
– Data necessary for securing against potential claims.

The Administrator adheres to the following principles of Personal Data processing:

  • Implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that processing is carried out in accordance with the regulations on Personal Data protection and to be able to demonstrate this;
  • Stores collected Personal Data only on information carriers that are protected against third-party access;
  • Supervises the security of Personal Data throughout the period of their possession, ensuring protection against unauthorized access, damage, destruction, or loss;
  • Transfers data to authorized entities only on the basis of applicable legal provisions;
  • Maintains the confidentiality of Personal Data;
  • Ensures the exercise of rights by individuals whose data is processed, in accordance with the provisions of the law.

The User, whose Personal Data is processed, has the right to request access to the data, as well as their rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, or to object to processing.

Your Rights

We take appropriate measures to provide you with concise, transparent, understandable, and easily accessible information, using clear and plain language, regarding the processing of your personal data in relation to the exercise of your rights, including:

• Information provided when collecting personal data;

• Information provided upon request – regarding whether data is being processed and other matters specified in Article 15 of the GDPR, including the right to obtain a copy of the data;

• Rectification of data;

• Erasure of data (“right to be forgotten”);

• Restriction of processing;

• Data portability;

• Objection to processing;

• Freedom from automated individual decision-making (including profiling).

Additionally, if your personal data is processed based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent. The consent can be withdrawn at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing carried out prior to its withdrawal.

To exercise your rights, please contact us via email at


If we cooperate with entities that process personal data on our behalf, we only use the services of such processors that provide sufficient guarantees for implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the processing meets the requirements of the GDPR and protects the rights of the individuals whose data is being processed.

We thoroughly examine the entities to whom we entrust the processing of your data. We enter into detailed agreements with them and conduct periodic checks to ensure compliance with the content of such agreements and legal regulations.

Data retention

  1. We keep personal data in a form that allows the identification of the individuals to whom the data relates for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed. After this period, we anonymize the data (remove identifying characteristics) or delete it. The deletion of personal data is complete and permanent. In our retention procedure, we ensure that the storage period for personal data is kept to a strict minimum.
  2. The data processing period is primarily determined based on legal requirements and the legitimate interests of the data controller (e.g., marketing activities). The retention policy covers both paper-based and electronic data.


Cookies are small files stored on your computer that contain settings and other information used on the websites you visit. Cookies may contain website settings or be used to track user interactions with the website. We use cookies, among other things, to customize the content of our website to your preferences, optimize the use of web pages, maintain your session (after logging in) so that you do not have to re-enter your login and password on each subpage, and support and enforce actions to maintain security.

Types of cookies

• First-party cookies – used by the owner of the website or web page.

• Third-party cookies – cookies used by entities other than the owner of the website or web page, enabling the delivery of third-party functions on the website or through it (such as interactive content and analytical functions).

• Session cookies – stored on the user’s device and remain there until the end of the browser session. The saved information is then permanently deleted from the device’s memory. The mechanism of session cookies does not allow the retrieval of any personal data or any confidential information from the user’s device.

• Persistent cookies – stored on the user’s device and remain there until they are deleted. Ending the session of a particular browser or turning off the device does not result in their removal from the user’s device. The mechanism of persistent cookies does not allow the retrieval of any personal data or any confidential information from the user’s device.

Information collected using cookies

Beautyeurope may also collect, store, and use certain information automatically using cookies when a User visits our website. The information collected by Beautyeurope in this way may include IP address, browser type, operating system, URL links, information about actions on the website, as well as dates and times of visits to the website.

We use the automatically collected information in the following ways:

• To administer our website for internal operations, including troubleshooting its functionality.

• To ensure the most effective presentation of content on the website to you as Users.

• For security purposes related to the website.

• For aggregated data statistics and reporting purposes (e.g., aggregated information about browsers used by visitors to our website or the aggregated number of users visiting our website).

The use of third-party cookies is done to collect general and anonymous statistical data through Google Analytics tools (in such a case, the administrator of external cookies is Google Inc, based in the USA).

Controlling access to cookies

Each User of the website has the option to limit or disable access to cookies on their device. If this option is used, the use of the website will still be possible, except for functions that inherently require cookies. The aforementioned changes can be made through the settings of the internet browser. These settings can be changed, in particular, to block the automatic handling of cookies in the internet browser settings or to be notified of each instance of cookies being placed on the User’s device. Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software settings (internet browser).

Below, we present how to change the settings of popular internet browsers regarding the use of cookies:

• Internet Explorer browser:

• Mozilla Firefox browser:

• Chrome browser:

• Safari browser:

• Opera browser:

Links to other websites

This website may periodically contain links to other websites beyond our control and not covered by this Policy. If a User accesses such websites through the provided links, the operators of those websites may collect information to be used in accordance with their own privacy policies, which may differ from ours. Please note that such external websites have their own privacy policies, and we do not assume any responsibility or provide any guarantees regarding those policies.

Policy updates

We may update this Policy periodically. When this happens, the changes will be published on our website. If a User does not agree with such changes, they should discontinue using our website. In the event of significant changes to this Policy, we will inform Users by publishing a visible notice on our website for a period of 30 days.